I think the PSYCHO-PASS series tries to extend the underlying concept implying international models that sometimes dissimilar to the situations in Japan. Borders of nations, the differences in standing points of each that people would like to embrace in their societies, and how they profit by interacting with people are taken up for discussions. I don’t think they meet a certain ending within remaining two episodes, and it may continue to another round of episodes.
A game of self-promotion with almost no accounts to actual social welfares people can produce could be observed almost anywhere in the contemporary society. For example, review systems for scientific journals are on the edge of collapse, only accepting manuscripts that enforce people’s believes and neglect serious manuscripts that tackle with entirely new insights for the scientific knowledge, accompanied by short abstract review reports that have nothing to do with actual logics within them. Human resources are gradually replaced by such people at least during these 20 years and what is extremely lacking is careful examination. The term “game” means what is remoted from actual social welfares for Roger Caillois. At least, no direct link is bounded between the results of game and the social welfare, in any definition. Too much self-promotion is nowadays anywhere and this is what people should think of. That is, economics of self-promotion is not directly link to the social welfares, because the priority is given to self-promotion, not welfares.