Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

In This Corner (and Other Corners) of the World (この世界の(さらにいくつもの)片隅に)

This morning, I observed a visual hallucination of a woman lying beside me, immediately decayed from one of her eyes and disappeared during waking up. It is not so rare to observe a visual hallucination, due to disordered work of my brain …


今日はこんな記事を読んだ. https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/rochelle_k/2019/12/hello-our-stadium_2.php 選択と集中の極致で, 国の顔である筈の国立競技場で, “Welcome to our new stadium” とすればいいところを, 奇妙な英語表現 “HELLO, OUR STADIUM”… 意…


年末はC++で数値計算の勉強をして, やっと多倍長計算環境exflibが真面に使えるようになった. 情弱だとちょっとしたことでいちいち立ち止まらないといけないので, ようやく右や左くらいは分かるようになってきた. Hilbert行列の連立一次方程式を試しに解いて…

End Story(終物語)

On December the 23rd 2019, I finalized watching an animation series “End Story(終物語)” after a long intermission. It is a story about “Henna Yatsu (a weird guy)”. Without regarding “Kaii (a supernatural)” as something beside you, not a …


Whatever interesting to observe “Mushi (creatures between living and non-living materials)” is, you should stick to observe a starry sky, and this is what it should not be mixed up with… “Tenpen no Ito” demonstrates a beautiful story with …

December the 13th 2019

If you are still not aware of stinking corruption of your own organization you belong to, you are very much involved in the situation; in other words, Tiamat’s rotten breath. People are here to help each other, not just to despise each. A …


Today is Friday, December the 13th 2019, but there seems to be no Jason hanging around, and the weather is bright and clear here in Uji this morning, in contrast to the weather forecast yesterday, which was supposed to be cloudy. There is …


就職試験の勉強の一環で初等的な東洋美術史を勉強していると, パガン朝最盛期のチャンシッター王(探索から生き延びた者)の建立したアベーヤダナー寺院など興味深い記述に時々ぶち当たります. http://www.y-zero.com/aye/burma04/bgnsite04.html https://ja…

Evolutionary Dynamics, 壁

どこかで灰羽連盟という文字列を久しぶりに見た記憶があるので, 2010年2月3-4日にかけて書いた以前のブログを復刻しておきます. 【追記】そう言えば, 望月新一先生が以前, こういうことをブログに書かれていたことを思い出しました. https://plaza.rakuten.c…


Murders without murderous intent of a number of people in effective means are achieved, for example, by social ostracism which is originated in ancient Greece. If everyone does not respond properly to one by any means, e.g. psycho-passing …

Weathering With You(天気の子)

On December the 1st 2019, I watched an animation movie “Weathering With You(天気の子)”. https://tenkinoko.com/ Although there are some interesting features appear in this movie, the description of supernatural power crushed me into the m…

un cinéma surréaliste

This year, I watched the animation movie series “The Garden of Sinners(空の境界)” each month chronologically as the same as the months they were made up to have happened in 1998. This animation series has a flavor for surréalisme as in t…


I think the PSYCHO-PASS series tries to extend the underlying concept implying international models that sometimes dissimilar to the situations in Japan. Borders of nations, the differences in standing points of each that people would like…

The 54th Kinki High School Drama Research Contest

On November the 24th, I watched the drama produced by the drama club of the high school I graduated in the 54th Kinki High School Drama Research Contest as before. This time, acting of casts varies the tempo and speed at wills with eases, …


One theme that is common among all the PSYCHO-PASS series is that there developed a threatening behind chaotic believes people tend to embrace. Pop star, shoot wresting, religions, all of them exhibit a certain set of believes for the peop…


People are often tired from their cognitive loads. Therefore they sometimes skip important processes that are required for rational developments of the situations. Such people are quite often trapped into agitations of someone with secret …


The concepts in PSYHCO-PASS 3 become gradually apparent in its Ep. 3. Although the world of PSYCHO-PASS 3 will be dominated by Sibyl System, which manages mentality of people by brains from criminals connected in parallel, the final judgem…

Preprint: Renormalization and fractals among sets beyond (empty) boundaries

In previous studies, I utilized a single-dimensional operationalization of species density that implies induction of hierarchy and time with certain topologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11692-015-9312-0 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone…

The 32nd Kyoto Prefecture High School Drama Contest

On November the 3rd, I watched a drama produced by the drama club of the high school I graduated in the 32nd Kyoto Prefecture High School Drama Contest. My juniors have selected serious themes cleverly embedded in their daily lives as the …


PSYCHO-PASS 3 Ep. 2 was again in long broadcast slot. Even though each person involved merely has very subtle consciousness of actual intentions underlying, such slight flaws of defects join together to be tremendous malfunctions. This ign…

PSYCHO-PASS 3 started

PSYCHO-PASS 3 was started from October the 24th 2019. Intervals of lines or SE, BGM of this title is excellent such that they match well with stage play quality. Backgrounds of national isolation and opening of a country of Japan metaphor …

The World of Shaun Tan

On October the 13th 2019, I visited an exhibition “The World of Shaun Tan” at Museum “EKi” KYOTO. Shaun Tan is a famous picture book writer with complex ethnic origin, and his books are full of theme inspired by the origin. If you feel alo…


http://www.magichour.co.jp/no/. This Chilean film is about an adperson who was against Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte’s dictatorship, inspired by the true story. Based on preliminary surveys, mottos for advertising, familiarity, attrac…

Induction of hierarchy and time through one-dimensional probability space with certain topologies.

A manuscript with the title above is now on preprint server (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/780882v1). We have already developed a new complex metric “small s” as an indicator of species existence and resolving fractal dimension a…

La danza de la realidad

Great film with black humour! With 26-th jumps! http://danceofrealitymovie.com/


“Трудно быть богом” (Hard to Be a God)と言う, Бра́тья Струга́цкие(ストルガツキー兄弟)による小説があります.邦訳は入手しにくいですが, Алексей Герман(アレクセイ・ゲルマン)監督による映画は『神々のたそがれ』と言う邦題で公開されました. http:…


2015/5/3は福井県を訪問しました。 写真は丸岡城の八幡神社です。1576年の柴田勝家の甥、柴田勝豊の築城以来の神社で、応神天皇・神功皇后・その他の神様が祀られています。 丸岡城の天守閣は現存する最古のもので、昭和二十三年の福井大震災により倒壊した…


ヤクザル調査は金岡雅浩さん(みかん、現・名古屋大学、1996-1999年, 2001-2002年参加)繋がりで京都大学理学部の学部生だったうちの3年間参加させて頂いた. そこでの貴重な体験は20周年記念誌での駄文として綴らせて頂いたので, それがその後, 私の人生にど…