
On May the 5th 2024, we visited Ohmi-Hachiman City in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.


We got aboard on a sightseeing boat.


An oriental reed warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis, オオヨシキリ) was wary of black kites (Milvus migrans,トビ) flying above it. You can notice that an oriental warbler can look down on a ground when it straightens its head.


The waterway is full of common reeds (Phragmites australis, ヨシ), which are nesting sites for oriental reed warblers.


Wataraibashi bridge is a water gate. They can pass boats even the gate is closed. Please look at the right gate.


Grey heron (Ardea cinereal, アオサギ) on the gate.


We passed through the reed bed.


The base of the boats.


We also noticed little grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis, カイツブリ), mallard (Anas platyrhynchos, マガモ), black coot (Fulica atra,オオバン), little egret (Egretta garzetta, コサギ), Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone, ウグイス), Japanese tit (Parus minor, シジュウカラ), eastern pale clouded yellow (Colias erate, モンキチョウ), Indian fritillary (Argyreus hyperbius, ツマグロヒョウモン).