Mt. Kibuneyama(貴船山)

On November the 21st 2017, I climbed Mt. Kibuneyama(貴船山). The weather was rainy on the mountain and I did not take so many photos.





I started climbing from Moritani Jinja Shrine/Fuji Jinja Shrine(守谷神社/富士神社)of Ninose(二ノ瀬). Moritani Jinja worships Prince Koretaka(惟喬親王). He failed in political conflicts with Yoshifusa Fujiwara藤原良房)and contributed the development of the village by teaching a technique for making wood bowls by a lathe. He lived in Ono(小野), where I visited at the last climbing. Fuji Jinja worships Koretaka’s mother.





Yonakitoge Pass(夜泣峠). A legend says that baby Koretaka quitted crying at night here by his mother’s pray to Kṣitigarbha(地蔵).



A fog turned out to be a rain.



The top of Mt. Kibuneyama(貴船山). There was more snow on the slope and it is a sign for the end of climbing season for beginners. I moved forward to Takitanitoge Pass(滝谷峠), however, there was a collapse. The guidebook says that beginners had better not get out of the main pass in this district, so I went down to Ninose. If I were familiar with the place as my field for studying cellular slime molds in Izu(伊豆), I would have made a traverse, as I did so many times to reach my quadrats. But I was a stranger for the place and the weather was bad. Later on, I met with a man who came behind me in the mountain and he said he had succeeded in traversing. That’s OK, if one has confidence.









After the downhill, I went to Kifune Jinja Shrine(貴船神社). It worships a god of rain, Takaokaminokami(高龗神). It is said to be founded in the age of Emperor Hanzei(反正天皇).



Katsura Cercidiphyllum japonicum(カツラ)is also worshipped.



There is also a stone garden.





Yuinoyashiro(結社) worships a goddess of eternity, Iwanagahimenomikoto(磐長姫命)and is famous for a good match (for marriage, though it failed in the myth of Japan).





Okumiya(奥宮) was a former place for the main shrine.


For plants identified; Ginkgo Ginkgo bilobaイチョウ), Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica(スギ), Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtuse(ヒノキ), Temple Juniper Juniperus rigida(ネズミサシ), Japanese Red Pine Pinus densifloraアカマツ), Ring-Cup Oak Quercus glauca(アラカシ), Bumboo-Leaf Oak Quercus myrsinaefoliaウラジロガシ), Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissimaクヌギ), Chinese Cork Oak Quercus variabilis(アベマキ), Japanese Chestnut Castanea crenata(クリ), Mochi Tree Ilex integra(モチノキ), Camellia Camellia japonicaヤブツバキ), Sakaki Cleyera japonica(サカキ), East Asian Eurya Eurya japonicaヒサカキ), Palmate Maple Acer palmatum(イロハモミジ), Amur Maple Acer japonicum(ハウチワカエデ), Persimmon Diospyros kaki(カキノキ), For mushrooms; Veiled Purple Hygrophorus Hygrophorus purpurascensサクラシメジモドキ). For lichens; Rhizocarpon sp. (チズゴケ属). For slime molds; Scrambled Egg Slime Fuligo septica var. flava(キフシススホコリ), being sclerotia(菌核)and ready for winter. For birds, Jay Garrulus glandarius(カケス), Brown-Eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotisヒヨドリ), Great Spotted Woodpecker Picoides majorアカゲラ), Bull-Headed Shrike Lanius bucephalus(モズ), Coal Tit Parus ater(ヒガラ), Varied Tit Parus variusヤマガラ), Willow Tit Parus montanus(コガラ), Great Tit Parus majorシジュウカラ).