Mt. Hangokutakayama(半国高山)

On November the 5th 2017, I climbed Mt. Hangokutakayama(半国高山). It is famous for an area of producing Kitayama Sugi (a Japanese cedar in the northern part of Kyoto City). I started climbing from Kumogahata(雲ヶ畑), going westward.



Ceraceomyces tessulatus(イトツキマクコウヤクタケ).



Mochikoshitoge pass(持越峠). Kumogahata was a source of water for Imperial Palace in ancient days. Therefore, the place had to be kept sacred. When someone was dead, the remaining of the one had to be carried over (in Japanese, mochikoshi) to Mayumi(真弓), the west of the pass in order to bury or cremate.



Mayumihachimangu Shrine(真弓八幡宮). A famous Japanese general, Tamuramaro Sakanoue(坂上田村麻呂、758-811) selected this place for the material of bows, using Mayumi (Euonymus hamiltonianus). They were used for the eastern expedition.



Strobilurus ohshimae(スギエダタケ).



Marasmiellus candidus(シロホウライタケ).



The top of Mt. Hangokutakayama. There was no view. As typhoon has passed recently, the mountain was rough and I missed the path twice during downhill. I also saw a giant male sika deer (Cervus nippon) of about 2 m in size.



When you see this small waterfall, it means the downhill to west side of the mountain is almost finished.









Iwatoochibajinja Shrine(岩戸落葉神社). It worships Amenomisoorimewakahimenokami(天御衣織女稚姫神, a weaving goddess), Midzuhanomenokami(弥都波能売神, a water goddess)and Seoritsuhimenokami(瀬織津比咩神, a goddess of purification). There is also a place for worship for Ochibahimenomikoto(落葉姫命, a character in a fiction story, “Genji Monogatari”). This place, Onogo(小野郷)was one of the main place for producing woods and was governed by the emperors.



There is a station for a bookmobile.



A scenery of Ono(小野).

For plants identified; Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica(スギ), Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtuse(ヒノキ), Japanese Red Pine Pinus densifloraアカマツ), Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata(イチイ), Korean Plum-Yew Cephalotaxus harringtonia(イヌガヤ), Ring-Cup Oak Quercus glauca(アラカシ), Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissimaクヌギ), Chinese Cork Oak Quercus variabilis(アベマキ), Japanese Chestnut Castanea crenata(クリ), Camellia Camellia japonicaヤブツバキ), East Asian Eurya Eurya japonicaヒサカキ), Japanese Andromeda Pieris japonicaアセビ), Chinese Hackberry Celtis sinensis var. japonica(エノキ), Storax Styrax japonicaエゴノキ), Grey-Budded Snake-Bark-Maple Acer rufinerve(ウリハダカエデ), Painted Maple Acer mono var. marmoratum f. dissectum(イタヤカエデ), Japanese Horse-Chestnut Aesculus turbinataトチノキ), Persimmon Diospyros kaki(カキノキ), Nandina Nandina domesticaナンテン). For other mushrooms; Antrodiella gypsea(シックイタケ), Angel Wing Pleurocybella porrigensスギヒラタケ). For birds, Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchosハシブトガラス), Brown-Eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotisヒヨドリ), Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinereaキセキレイ), Coal Tit Parus ater(ヒガラ), Varied Tit Parus variusヤマガラ), Willow Tit Parus montanus(コガラ), Great Tit Parus majorシジュウカラ).