pet #11

On March the 16th, I watched the 11th episode of the animation series, “pet”. Satoru is very sharp and gradually it became apparent that Katsuragi is in several means the key for deciphering this story. One need the key for lock out anybody from one’s private place, and when this is threatened, a tragedy would begin.




By the way, some Japanese virologists begin to lose reliabilities for Japanese researchers in infectious disease medicine, who tend to insist RT-PCR method for SARS-CoV-2 is unreliable for its false negative or false positive rate, and recommend not to perform too many of the examinations. For example in detail, they assume that the sensitivity of the method is 30-50% (based on a mere TV interview cited in reference [2] of, or 70% (based on, which does not mention any detailed protocol for RT-PCR despite the paper is supposed to be a paper for methodological comparison). The original comments for this example is in Japanese,


Some of the virologists think these are not based on normal reliable scientific evidence as original papers and since this assertion starts to dominate over Japanese public opinion, they lose reliabilities for Japanese researchers in infectious disease medicine, who neglect reliability of the RT-PCR method for SARS-CoV-2.


I don’t know the situations outside Japan, but is this sort of assertion also common in your country, to prevent RT-PCR diagnosis as many as possible?