Ergo Proxy

I have watched through the TV animation series, “Ergo Proxy”. It is a story of a gloomy science fiction in a despotic future, with sacred beings called “Proxy”. The main characters, a foolish Vincent Law and a strong-willed Re-l Mayer, quest for their origins and the secret of reborn worlds in domes, separated by deserts. In each dome there is a proxy mimicking the creator, as in every country there is an own culture of the people. The worlds are full of people and AutoReiv androids, but all of them are challenged for their existence. For example, “the best citizen” is destined to his/her tragedic death systemically. “A true smile” belongs to one of the AutoReivs, not to a human being. There is a Disney-like proxy, who hides the truth of the world and let the people be in happiness until the catastrophe. Stone golems named Derrida, Lacan, Husserl and Berkeley watch over the dome. There is an ending for each character properly arranged, as if everything is all set. A “Being” is continuously challenged by the story line.