Het Achterhuis

I have read “Het Achterhuis” by Anne Frank. It is a nonfictional diary of her describing her lives hiding from the Nazis excluding the Jewish. It is for all the people who do want to think of the holocaust. Of course it is not a temporal but a timeless theme for human beings. Socio-politically and literary-historically it reports the lives of the Jewish of the age, and acts as autobiography of Anne Frank. The development of minds, from a little girl to a little woman, is demonstrated in the diary and her emotions are very frankly expressed in the diary. “Братья Карамазовы” is famous for its reality including contradictory remarks expressed by the characters as observed in real people, but this diary of course exhibits reality much more, including such contradictions and swinging of the emotions. After being familiar with the personalities of the people appeared in the diary, one would be stunned by the fact they are massacred in the holocaust. Why these ordinary people with similar personalities as us, had to be enclosed into a confined place, and so much frustrated that they gradually had to lose their tempers? Why the people who prayed for people in difficult situations of the age though they themselves were in difficulties, ripped off for everything and had to die in coarse environments without mercy? Why they had to devote their whole lives to such agonies? They are ruthless natures of the world that got along with the holocaust. There is a scene that Anne’s fountain pen was burnt and another scene that she was saying it was better to burn herself than the diary being burnt. These incidents seem as metaphoring the destiny of her and her diary. Her father Otto Heinrich Frank was the sole person who survived from the holocaust among the residents of the hiding place, and people can understand easily why he pursued the publication of her diary. There were no mercies for them, who died in the very last part of holocaust, and they should be memorized as a case study together with all the people who endured the holocaust. Without this, there is no propagation of human values anymore. The sincerity of the diary is as a subjective view of Anne OK, and it silently shows many aspects of the holocaust and what are not described are also important.

              Overall, the diary is what people should read once in their whole life.