I watched through “COLLECTION MOLIÈRE par LA COMÉDIE-FRANÇAISE DVD-BOX {Bleu}”. Molière is a famous French playwright and actor of the 17th century. He is famous for his comedies though he also wrote some tragedies. The DVD-BOX is performed by many famous French actors/actresses and is worth watching for any sake. Even individual aspect of the dramas, i.e. interpretations of texts or simply phonations of French themselves, performances of actors/actresses even also when they do not pronounce any sound, usages of sets, lightings, productions and usages of costumes, sounds, everything is solely interesting very much. Needless to say, the total directions of the dramas are perfect. They are full of originality even in the modern sense, vividly representing emotions of human beings common to our age. The descriptions of doctors are not so respectful, however, the actual doctors appear in the dramas are quack doctors anyway. The main character appeared in “Le Malade imaginaire” was performed by Molière himself and he died during his last performance, which is an irony to Molière himself. “Sganarelle ou le Cocu imaginarie” vividly descripts how people connect pieces of faint facts with their own wish and trump up imaginary stories by themselves, which are definitely not true facts. There is no person who correctly understand all of “revelations of God”. If you look into COVID-19 matters, you can understand typical examples.  I like Alain Lenglet. Excellent.