The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power 1-8

I have watched the eighth episode of the drama series “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” on the amazon prime video service. The revelation of Sauron in somewhat difficult relations invokes seeking of a knowledge. In contrast, the appearance of Istari represents somehow trivialized form of powers Maiar bears. Istaris are said to appear only from The Third Age, but I don’t know what is the nature of this Istari in this story. The Istari remembers the one in later ages by a familiarity to harfoots. Philosophical notes expand the lines of logic underlay in the story. Galadriel has a keen sense, but both Galadriel and Elrond are entangled in the meshes of a plot of Sauron. This story well demonstrates how Sauron deceives the elves. I am looking forward to the second season.