Mt. Kisenyama(喜撰山)

On October the 7th 2023, I climbed Mt. Kisenyama(喜撰山).Mt. Kisenyama is told to be a residence of Kisen, who was a monk in early Heian era. He is said to have become an unworldly man. He is famous for a tanka, “わが庵は都の辰巳しかぞすむ世を宇治山と人はいふなり(Waga io wa miyako no tatsumi shika zo sumu yo wo Ujiyama to hito wa iu nari: My hermitage is at the south east of the capital and I live in comfort. However, people rumor that I am worrying (= ushi, uji) about the world and run away from the society in Mt. Uji)”. In order to survey for the research area, I visited the district.



Views from Amagase dam. The beautiful roads that went along Uji river are now at the bottom of the dam.


A view of Uji from Makioyama(槇尾山).


This view of the trekking path looks nice. However, this was not always the case.


Echigoshirayukidake Ceraceomyces tessulatus (イトツキマクコウヤクタケ).


Trametes versicolor (カワラタケ).


Oriental Trametes Trametes orientalis (クジラタケ).


During the trekking there was a collapsed area and I traversed. However, I could not find marks of the path. As this was a circular course and I was inside the circle, I could find the proper path easily. This photo is where I joined the proper path.


High Brown Fritillary Fabriciana adippe (ウラギンヒョウモン).


I found a skeptical entrance to the mountain. After that, I missed marks again. As this was a circular course and I was inside the circle again, I could find the proper path easily again.


There are stone marks along the trail of Mt. Kisenyama.


Another Oriental Trametes Trametes orientalis (クジラタケ).


There is no view from the top of Mt. Kisenyama. Kisen lived close to this place.


Lentinus squarrosulus (ケガワタケ).



I found again a skeptical entrance to the mountain. After that, I missed marks again! As this was a circular course but I was outside the circle, I returned to the forestry road. It was dangerous to wander the mountains far from the city. As a result, I could watch a nesting site of Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus; ハヤブサ). It was not in breeding period, so they are absent. To avoid pressures of the people who are always watching the falcons, I do not show photos of this site.


Ikenoo River (池尾川).


Hierodula patellifera (ハラビロカマキリ).




I came to the village of Shidzugawa (志津川). This is Shinnyojinja Shrine (神女神社). It worships a goddess of water Itsukushimahimenomikoto (市杵嶋姫命). Ohjin Emperor Hontawakenomikoto (譽田別尊), an ancestor of Miwashi (三輪氏) Ohmononushinomikoto (大物主尊) and a god who led Niniginomikoto (an ancestor of Japanese emperors) to Japan, Sarutahikonomikoto (猿田彦命). It was once three different shrines, but integrated to the current shrine. The ancestor of the people in Shidzugawa is said to be Heishi (平氏). This might be the reason why Itsukushimahimenomikoto is worshipped.



Views of Shidzugawa village.


After the survey, Mt. Kisenyama is in a community of Rhododendron macrosepalum (モチツツジ) and Japanese Red Pine Pinus densiflora (アカマツ). Probably this region was affected intensively by human being. Mt. Buttokusan (仏徳山) might be more suitable for a research because it preserves a community of Japanese Photinia Photinia glabra (カナメモチ) and Castanopsis cuspidate (ツブラジイ) on the top of the hill and a community with Ring-Cup Oak Quercus glauca (アラカシ) along the Uji River. Thanks to shrines and temples of the area, the preservation of nature might be better. I cannot afford for a survey for at least single year, but when the circumstances become better, I want to survey this area. Of course I need a permission from Kyoto Prefecture because the area belongs to Lake Biwa Quasi-National Park. At this moment, it is only a possible project of mine.


For plants identified; Cryptomeria japonic(スギ), Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtuse (ヒノキ), Cephalotaxus harringtonia (イヌガヤ), Quercus acuta (アカガシ), Quercus myrsinaefolia (シラカシ), Camellia japonica (ヤブツバキ), Eurya japonica (ヒサカキ), Japanese Andromeda Pieris japonica (アセビ), Japanese Aralia Fatsia japonica (ヤツデ), Japanese Chestnut Castanea crenata (クリ), Japanese Maple Acer palmatum (イロハモミジ), Rhododendron reticulatum (コバノミツバツツジ), Cerasus jamasakura (ヤマザクラ), Japanese Whitebark Magnolia Magnolia obovata (ホオノキ), Japanese Walnut Juglans mandshurica (オニグルミ), China Root Smilax china (サルトリイバラ), Japanese Wisteria Wisteria floribunda (フジ).

For arthropods; Wasp spider Argiope bruennichi (ナガコガネグモ), Meimuna opalifera (ツクツクボウシ).

For reptiles; Plestiodon japonicus (ニホントカゲ).

For birds; Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (イソヒヨドリ), Brown-Eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis (ヒヨドリ), Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (アカゲラ), Eastern Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis (キジバト), Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchos (ハシブトガラス), Black Kite Milvus migrans (トビ), Japanese Tit Parus minor (シジュウカラ), Coal Tit Parus ate (ヒガラ), Varied Tit Sittiparus varius (ヤマガラ).

For mammals; Sika Cervus nippon (ニホンジカ).