Mt. Kannabiyama(甘南備山)

On January the 28th 2017, I climbed Mt. Kannabiyama(甘南備山)in southern part of Kyoto Prefecture, Yamashiro to avoid snow. It is famous for the appearance in the collection of ancient Japanese folk tales, Konjaku-Monogatarishu(今昔物語集). It is the story about a Buddhist monk in Kannabidera temple, who was once a worm in the soil of the temple. He had listened to Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra(法華経)in the soil and happened to become a monk of Buddhism.





This is Tanakurahiko-Jinja shrine(棚倉孫神社), which worships a sword god Amenokakoyamanomikoto(天香古山命). The origin is no later than 859. It is famous for its portable shrine, Zuikimikoshi(瑞饋神輿), which is covered with leaves of taro.



The back of Pied Wagtail(ハクセキレイ).









Shuonan temple(酬恩庵), or Ikkyuji temple(一休寺). It is a temple of Rinzaishu school and the resident place of a very famous Japnese Buddhist and poet, Ikkyu Sojun(一休宗純).



A bath is a build in 1650. There was an ancient monk named buddhabhadra(仏陀跋陀羅), who got enlightenment in a bath.



Ikkyu is believed to be an illegitimate child of Emperor Gokomatsu(後小松天皇). The tomb is therefore not accessible to general people.



Spotbill Ducks(カルガモ)and a female Mallard(マガモ♀).



Ikkyu was good at wit. The Japanese remark said that you cannot pass the bridge (hashi). However, the sound ‘hashi’ also means the edges. Therefore, when Ikkyu saw the remark, he simply pass in the middle of the bridge.





There are the tombs for Nohgaku players including Onami(音阿弥), and Yoshikata Rokkaku(六角義賢)of Sengoku period. Yoshikata was defeated by Nobunaga Oda織田信長) and finally died in Uji-Tawara(宇治田原).



Here is the top of Meyama(雌山). There is no view.



Ceraceomyces tessulatus(イトツキマクコウヤクタケ).





At the real top Oyama(雄山), there is Kannabijinja shrine(神奈備神社). It worships the sun goddess Amaterasu Ohmikami(天照大神), the mirror god Amenokoyanenomikoto(天児屋根命), the father of our first emperor Ugayafukiaezunomikoto(鵜葦葺不合尊), and a native Japanese Ohkuninushinomikoto(大国主命). Kannabi originally means the region of spiritual power of gods/goddesses.



You can see the view of Yamashiro.



This is the place of former Kannabidera temple(甘南備寺跡), which I introduced in the beginning.



Bjerkandera fumosa(ヒメモグサタケ).


For plants identified; Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonica(スギ), Hinoki Cypress Chamaecyparis obtusa(ヒノキ), Japanese Red Pine Pinus densifloraアカマツ), Ring-Cup Oak Quercus glauca(アラカシ), Bamboo-Leaf Oak Quercus myrsinaefoliaシラカシ), Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissimaクヌギ), Chinese Cork Oak Quercus variabilis(アベマキ), Japanese Chestnut Castanea crenata(クリ), Camellia Camellia japonicaヤブツバキ), East Asian Eurya Eurya japonicaヒサカキ), Japanese Andromeda Pieris japonicaアセビ), Spotted Laurel Aucuba japonica(アオキ), Glossy-Leaf Paper Plant Fatsia japonica(ヤツデ), Chinese Windmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei(シュロ), Japanese Holly Ilex crenata(イヌツゲ), Japanese Wisteria Wisteria floribunda(フジ). For slime molds, Fuligo candida(シロススホコリ). For lichenes, Parmelia tinctorum(ウメノキゴケ), Xanthoria manchurica(アカサビゴケ), Rhizocarpon sp.(チズゴケ属). For birds, Jungle Crow Corvus macrorhynchosハシブトガラス), Carrion Crow Corvus coroneハシボソガラス), Brown-Eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotisヒヨドリ), Eastern Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalisキジバト), Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreusジョウビタキ), Coal Tit Parus ater(ヒガラ), Willow Tit Parus montanus(コガラ), Japanese Bush Warbler Cettia diphone(ウグイス), Tree Sparrow Passer montanus(スズメ).


Today I ate a special natto, Ikkyuji Natto. It was salty.